Winter on the Ranch

Posted in: Featured, Photography

Winter this year began as a meek, mild child and turned into a full-on rebellious teenager. It’s been unseasonably cold — the average this time of year should be about 30F, but instead it’s been about -5F. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been that cold, but it has sure felt like it. And you know it’s been cold when you go out and ride your horse in 7F wearing only a long sleeved shirt, a zip up wool cardigan and a vest — and you’re not even remotely cold!

We’ve gotten about 24 inches of snow in the past week. According to the weathermen our ten day forecast shows nothing over 20F. In fact, we have a few days where it will be double digit negative temperatures. All that is said to show you these — the gorgeousness that is our current Winter Wonderland. As I write this it is currently -6F outside.

I was on hands and knees in 20 degrees and snow taking these shots. Were they worth it? One thousand percent yes!






I hope you enjoyed viewing these “winter on the ranch” images as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Until next time, Happy Trails!

Posted in: Featured, Photography

About Jenn Zeller

Jenn Zeller is the creative mind and boss lady behind The South Dakota Cowgirl. She is an aspiring horsewoman, photographer, brilliant social media strategist and lover of all things western. After a brief career in the investment world to support her horse habit (and satisfy her...

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