Posts Tagged ‘WRCA’

Amazon Smile for Charity
September 10, 2019
Savanna Simmons
If you use Amazon as I do, for basic staples, necessities, gifts, and everything in between, you may be leaving a lot of money on the table that could be doing some good. Now, I try to shop local as much as I can, but living 40 miles from town and 120 miles from the […]

WRCA Adds to the Purse
February 27, 2019
Savanna Simmons
The Working Ranch Cowboy’s Association will host its 24th Annual WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo November 7-10, 2019 in Amarillo, Texas. The WRCA Board of Directors recently approved three enhancements in support of producing the greatest ranch rodeo event in the world. The following will be in effect for the 2019 World Championship Ranch Rodeo (WCRR): […]

Coffee with a Cause
July 7, 2018
Savanna Simmons
Cowboys and a coffee quite frequently go hand in hand, and I don’t know many true cowboys who drink a pot of coffee in which you can read the paper through the pot. They like it good, strong, and black; “Strong enough to float a horseshoe” even. There’s something a little different about buying coffee […]

WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo
November 6, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Five guys from the ranch we’re on here in Wyoming, Four Three Land and Cattle, along with our friend Chris Laucomer of FX Bar Ranch in Nebraska, have qualified annually for the last three years for the Western States Ranch Rodeo Association National Finals Rodeo in Winnemucca, Nevada. They qualified this year as well, though they […]