Posts Tagged ‘winter’

Short Days and Low Temps
January 9, 2018
Savanna Simmons
I have never referred to myself as a cowgirl and there’s a simple reason for that: I’m no cowgirl. I’m not tough. To call myself a cowgirl would be an insult to those women (and men) who are out there making a living a-horseback in less-than-ideal weather conditions. I’m pretty content to sit in my […]

How To Beat The White Winter Blues
February 5, 2017
Jolyn Young
We’re in the middle of one of the coldest, snowiest winters in anyone’s memory. Old timers across the nation are saying they haven’t seen this much snow in over thirty years. It’s great to store up so much moisture for the coming growing season, but these short, frozen days and long, even more frozen nights […]

DIY Tire Chains from the Untidy Ranch Pickup
February 7, 2016
Rachel Larsen
Last week, the January weather bore more resemblance to a late-March thaw, than true Winter. Though windy, the ice and snow were melting and the ground was soft and muddy. Softer and muddier, than I had anticipated when I made a veterinary appointment for my broodmares. I left my home at 9am to prepare for […]

Shoeing Horses for Winter Conditions
February 2, 2016
Lynn Kohr
Snow balling up in horses’ feet is a treacherous and common situation in snowy winter conditions. Even barefoot horses have serious snow balling in their feet, often turning to hard ice balls. But what does one use when there is a need for shoeing horses? Forever barefoot was the way to go in these wintery conditions. […]

Horses in the Snow
January 21, 2016
Jenn Zeller
While most rational people (not ranchers or photographers mind you), are snuggled in their warm homes during a snow-storm, we are out feeding cows, horses, opening water tanks, or we’re packing a camera out to see what sort of shots we can get of our critters in the snow. These are just a few that […]

Wintertime Ranch Reality
December 27, 2015
Jolyn Young
It’s winter time in the Northern Hemisphere, and the weather is cold and snowy in central Nevada. My husband and I live on the RO Ranch, and he is taking care of a bunch of yearlings that are wintering at headquarters. I’m glad that he’s sticking around fairly close to the house, because I’m more […]