Posts Tagged ‘the’

VIDEO: Lee Smith on Timing, Feel, and Pressure
August 28, 2019
Savanna Simmons
I have been trying to say “yes” to more opportunities (especially learning) for myself, something that I haven’t really done since having kids. So when I saw that Lee Smith was going to be at the first Art of the Cowgirl event in Phoenix, Arizona, and a friend and fellow mother of young’uns asked if […]

The Joys of Jingling
September 3, 2017
Savanna Simmons
The joys of jingling, the rewards of wrangling, the . . . well . . . you get it. We’re the goobers that wrangle horses with a four-wheeler, but it’s nicer on our horses to be able to turn them out after a hard day’s work and not keep one in just to get other […]

Top 10 Essential Oils for Horses
August 21, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Kristina Ellis, with The Oiled Equestrian, uses Essential Oils for and on herself and her horses. Read about my Q& A with her here. These are the Top 10 oils Kristina recommends for horse owners to have on hand. 1. Balance: Balance is DoTERRA’s Grounding blend. I like to use this oil before each training […]

Q&A with Kristina Ellis about Essential Oils
August 19, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Kristina Ellis is a DoTERRA Wellness Advocate who uses essential oils on her horses. Visit her website The Oiled Equestrian to learn more, click the link for Kristina’s Intro to Essential Oils for the Horse & Rider Class or follow her on her educational Facebook page at The Oiled Equestrian. What brand of oils do you use? I […]

Enjoy The Ride
August 24, 2016
Savanna Simmons
We sit in our front porch swings, with our 11-month-old in his baby swing by us, and our almost three-year-old running through the grass with the dogs. The horses are in the pasture in front of our house, happily grazing and swishing their tails in the late evening sun. We hear the cows behind our house […]