Posts Tagged ‘The South Dakota Cowgirl’
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Winter on the Ranch
March 1, 2019
Jenn Zeller
Winter this year began as a meek, mild child and turned into a full-on rebellious teenager. It’s been unseasonably cold — the average this time of year should be about 30F, but instead it’s been about -5F. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been that cold, but it has sure felt like it. And you know it’s […]

Building Confidence in a Young Horse
December 17, 2018
Jenn Zeller
When riding a green horse — or even 2 or 3 ride colt — outside for the first time, I have a few tips, for building confidence in that young horse and even in yourself. We all know firsthand how overwhelming it can be, thinking about all the things that could go wrong on that […]

Halter Breaking the Young Horse
November 15, 2018
Jenn Zeller
There are some subtle little things you can do when halter breaking a young horse. These quick points will help them lead better, hunt you up, and make it easier to get them haltered. Enjoy! Happy Trails!

Yielding the Hips, Part One
August 2, 2018
Jenn Zeller
Yielding the hips is one of the most important things you can teach a colt to do. In the first video in this series, you’ll see Zach Ducheneaux working with a 4 year old mare. She’s not particularly tight. However, she’s not tuned into, or looking to the human to help her or give her […]

Creating a Soft Horse
June 2, 2017
Jenn Zeller
I believe that all horses are born soft: it’s our job when we start them as babies to keep that softness in them. We can do this by asking quietly, waiting longer, doing less, and asking when what we want is the easiest thing for them to do. We all want to ride a nice, […]

Organizing a Living Quarters Trailer
May 8, 2017
Jenn Zeller
I’ve been on the road a lot this Spring, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! We thought it would be fun to share with you how to organize your Living Quarters Trailer. Or at least I can share with you how I organize mine. I haven’t yet, sadly, figured out the easiest way to […]

Desensitizing your spooky horse using a tarp
February 22, 2017
Jenn Zeller
Ask A Pro Question: “My horse spooks at the strangest things. I know he was desensitized as a colt. How do I get him over this spooky behavior?” Thank you for your question. It’s easy for us to forget that sometimes we need to go back to the beginning with our horses. Horses are never […]

What’s in Your Horse’s Feed?
December 30, 2016
Jenn Zeller
This week, we cover some important information regarding what’s in your horse’s feed. I was fortunate enough to meet Jessica Drexler*, with Triple Crown Feed, at a barrel race this past fall, and she was kind enough to answer a few questions not only about their feed, but about feeding horses in general. What is […]

Christmas on the Ranch
December 21, 2016
Jenn Zeller
I love decorating for Christmas. And every year, folks the world over (mostly via my instagram account), ask to see photos of our tree. This year, I was kind of lazy, and basically only decorated the Great Room, and even then I didn’t do as much because, construction is still going on in this barn […]

Life Between These Ears
November 2, 2016
Jenn Zeller
I ride Dino into the sunrise to ship calves at the neighbors. Since the First of October, there’s been only a few days that I’ve not had the view of cows between my horse’s ears. October has been the stuff cowgirl dreams are made of. Catching horses in the dark, and on the road by daylight, […]
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