Posts Tagged ‘Tayler Teichert’

Being a Cowboy-Girl

November 13, 2014
Tayler Teichert

Ever see those window stickers on a big 4WD truck that says ‘Silly Boys, Trucks are for Girls’? Well,  I’ve seen a handful in my day. I have had many people tell me I should slap one on my truck and I, tactfully as possible, told them, no thank you, those are corny. I have […]

How To Get A Cowgirl Out Of Her Pants

August 1, 2014
Tayler Teichert

  In my previous post, Weakness, I showed a bit of my serious side but it is time that you saw the side of me that is showing 87.2% of the time. The spazzy, hot mess me. You should get excited for this story. The scene was reminiscent of Christmas morning in Idaho, only this […]