Posts Tagged ‘tack room’

Tricked Out Tack Room
April 13, 2018
Savanna Simmons
My husband Boe built a tack room into an existing quonset on the ranch here, and he implemented a really neat revolving saddle wall that makes saddling multiple colts and horses so easy. It eliminates scraping saddles through tight doors, getting in each other’s way, and slinging saddles up on fences. It really helps keep […]

Properly Storing Horse Gear: Part 1
June 5, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Storing gear the proper way can affect its lifespan and allow it to work for you for a long time. When using natural materials, like mohair cinches, wool pads, and horsehair mecates and get-downs, letting the fibers dry in the same shape as you would use them on your horse can extend the life and […]

Barn or Tack Room Makeover: Part 1 — clean it up
February 9, 2017
Maria Tibbetts
The barn or tack room can sometimes feel like the place where old tack goes to die and be eaten by mice, rather than the place you keep your expensive, performance-enhancing tack and equipment. Who doesn’t love to walk into the tack room and shove aside dusty, hay-covered halters that haven’t been on a horse […]