Posts Tagged ‘spurs’

Implementing Leg Cues

January 25, 2018
Savanna Simmons

Using and defining specific leg cues with your spurs can help your horse figure out exactly what you’re asking of him. I use three cues on my horse’s side to independently move the three general parts of him. These cues are the main reason I wear spurs; they offer my horse a clear, concise message […]

Stylish Spur Selection

October 24, 2017
Jolyn Young

I’ve been photographing cowpunchers for almost a year now, and I finally found something flashy and ornamental in their gear: their spurs! I had to look long, hard, and just above ground level, but it appears these guys wear their fancy on their feet. These spurs were spotted at a fall branding on a northern […]

Buckaroo Buys: KAW Rawhide and Steel

October 28, 2016
Savanna Simmons

Kevin Willey, of KAW Rawhide and Steel in Sheridan, Wyoming, is a decade-long friend of ours and probably the most talented artist friend of ours. He is a master of rawhide and steel, particularly damascus. He blazes his own trail in regard to how he operates and creates, and while his products are not at […]