Posts Tagged ‘Sparky’

Like a Little Boy on a Pony: Photo Gallery

May 20, 2018
Savanna Simmons

We spent the morning of siblings day brushing, loving on, and riding our fantastic, patient Sparky pony. Now, we didn’t wake up and say, “Hey! It’s siblings day, let’s do something fun!” We just knew it was warm weather and a lovely morning to be together, and what better adventure than saddling up the pony […]

Why My Kids Have a Pony, When Hubby Said ‘No’

August 30, 2016
Savanna Simmons

Ever since my our first son was born almost three years ago, my husband has dug in his heels in the matter of owning a pony. He has really simple reasons why, they’re often naughty and, depending on size, hard for a big person to get on and correct, and, more importantly, when being ponied […]