Posts Tagged ‘show jumping’

Meet The Horsewoman Carly Richardson

December 20, 2020
Tiffany Schwenke

Meet The Horsewoman Carly Richardson Carly Richardson is one to catch your attention with her diversified equine events of prestigious show jumping and ranch broncs! Talk about two totally different worlds, but Carly makes the most of both and always has a big smile on her face… even when she’s about to hit the ground! […]

Cowboy Hats And English Tack

May 1, 2015
Jolyn Young

Training horses in English tack, roping, working out as a Beachbody coach and keeping up with her three-year-old daughter keep ranch wife Taren Hays plenty busy, but that’s the way she likes it. Recently, she hit “pause” on her fast-forward life at the White Horse Ranch in Eastern Oregon long enough for an interview. JY: […]