Posts Tagged ‘Saddlery’

Back Cinch Blunders

July 13, 2019
Savanna Simmons

Plenty of reasons exist for the use of a back cinch, roping being the most prominent of reasons, to my mind, as well as starting a colt, to keep the saddle closer to the colt should he buck, and get him used to and comfortable with the feel as early as possible. An equal amount […]

Buckaroo Buys: Cow Camp Supply

November 1, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Sparky and Bonnie Wallace have some neat things going on at Cow Camp Supply in Fairfield, Montana. In addition to having everything a person or horse could need or wear, with the exception of boots, they’ve got some pretty unique products over there, including pen and ink drawings, handmade fleece pullovers, and Amish hats. Bonnie […]