Posts Tagged ‘rope horse’

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Dragging a Log with Purpose in Mind

February 15, 2020
Tristen Baroni

Using ropes and dragging logs is a great way to educate your horses and prepare them for future situations or career paths. I personally find it entertaining because I try and imagine a working scenario in my mind. You may see me dragging a log and you wouldn’t be wrong, but what I’m seeing is […]

Cowboy Skills: Dallying

April 26, 2017
Jolyn Young

“Take your turns!” “Go to the peg!” “Go to the wood!” These are all creative cowboy ways of saying “Dally!” To many ropers, dallying is as important a skill as catching. Unless you’re using a horn knot and tying off like a Texan or Southwest cowpuncher, you’ll need to stop the roped animal somehow, and […]

I Miss The Mystery

April 25, 2017
Tayler Teichert

In all my years of dating, my sister told me to maintain a little bit of mystery. Don’t let your date know everything about you right off the bat – make them wonder. They will get bored if they feel like they aren’t learning anything new, so don’t tell all your secrets on the first […]

Training and working a colt while horseback

February 13, 2017
Jolyn Young

Training a colt while riding another horse can benefit both animals and the cowboy by sharpening everyone’s skills. It helps desensitize a horse to ropes and the presence of a person above his back. It helps the saddle horse by making him more responsive to moving his hips and shoulders independently of each other as […]

Rope Horse Training And Selection With Casey Awbrey

November 27, 2016
Jolyn Young

Roping is an important skill for any working cowboy to have, and it’s also a great way for equestrians of other disciplines to cross-train. Here are some tips for selecting and training a rope horse from trainer Casey Awbrey. A lifelong cowboy, Awbrey worked for reputable rope horse trainer Bill Hill in Merrill, Oregon for […]

Working A Corner

October 24, 2016
Jolyn Young

Do you know how to work a corner? No, not THAT kind of a corner! I mean a fence corner. With cattle. And roping. Working a corner (either kind) requires a certain amount of finesse and skill, but this post addresses how to rope calves out of the corner of a corral or branding trap. […]

Get Short

October 22, 2016
Jolyn Young

Say you’re out cowboyin’, just doin’ your thing, and you rope a big calf. You let some rope slide through your dallies to ease him to a stop, but then realize you’re a little long on your rope. What’s a person to do? You can either A) get short or B) turn your horse, drive […]

Our First Sale Horse

September 7, 2016
Jolyn Young

We’re putting our first horse in a sale this month. At first I was apprehensive, then I was sad, and now I’m proud. So many emotions! We’re selling Bob, the first horse my husband bought as an adult. Jim rode Bob through a divorce, across numerous Great Basin ranches, to Texas and back home to […]

The Positive in Roping Gone Wrong

July 13, 2016
Jolyn Young

I started swinging my rope in the box just like my husband advised me, then nodded for the steer and squeezed my horse with my legs. Shorty had me in throwing position in just a few strides, so I opened my hand and…watched my loop whack the steer on his back. What the heck. Who […]

Dr. Cowboy

January 14, 2016
Jolyn Young

Keeping cattle healthy is a top job priority for a professional cowboy; therefore, so is knowing how to detect unhealthy cattle. RO Ranch cowboy Jim Young said he strives for “early detection,” meaning he notices and doctors calves at the very first sign of illness. It’s more difficult to pick up on those early signs, […]

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