Posts Tagged ‘ranch’
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Book Release: Brim and the Big Cat Blunder
September 29, 2020
Savanna Simmons
New release children’s chapter book Brim and the Big Cat Blunder by author Savanna Simmons is a thrilling tale about the turmoil and internal strife of a 10-year-old boy. For all intents and purposes, Brim’s life is great on the ranch, but he fights the desire to be older than his years. The books winds its […]

Children’s Ag School Resources
March 30, 2020
Savanna Simmons
I’ve witnessed a wonderful occurrence across Facebook and the internet as schools began closing their doors: online school resources for children. Coloring pages, learning apps that usually cost, virtual zoo and park tours and lives all became available to entertain and teach our children. I’ve been doing the suggested school work with my children, but my […]

Children’s Book Author, Michelle Provost
March 24, 2020
Savanna Simmons
I found Michelle Provost, author of ABC’s on the Ranch and ABC’s of Horses, on Facebook as she was requesting photos for her second book. Our Appaloosa Chavez found his way into her fun children’s book ABC’s of Horses. If you care to purchase either book, they can be found on Amazon here for the […]

Casper Ranch Rodeo Sept. 28 Helps Pedro Mtn. Fire Victims
September 23, 2019
Savanna Simmons
As the summer ranch rodeo schedule wraps up in Wyoming, Matt Johnson and Dominick Mongillo are putting on one last ranch rodeo to benefit families that have been impacted by the Pedro Mountain Fire, which is no longer burning, through the Alcova Community Foundation. The idea came from Cork Meyer, of Slip Knot Livestock, and he enlisted […]

Photographing a Profile: Positioning the Horse
May 23, 2019
Savanna Simmons
When posing a horse’s profile to shoot for a horse sale, sale ad, stud flyer, or other reason, I find that positioning a horse with the front foot nearest forward, and the hind leg nearest back, and the two off-side legs in closer. This flatters the horse and doesn’t create anything that doesn’t exist, conformation-wise. […]

Featured Photographer: Allison Williams
April 12, 2019
Savanna Simmons
Allison Williams is my neighbor and one heck of a young photographer. She is the middle child of JD and Lisa Williams, younger sister to Clayton, older sister to Larkin, and she just recently picked up the camera and started shooting the daily happenings at Four Three Land and Cattle, which her dad (pictured below) […]

Kottwitz’s Calf Canoeing
March 16, 2019
Savanna Simmons
On March 14, National Ag Day, our friends and neighbors Boe and Jennifer Kottwitz, as well as their daughter Abby and my husband Boe, canoed their calves to dry ground. They were previously between where the rising Cheyenne River and Mule Creek converge, and while a few of the calves crossed Mule Creek of their […]

Dirty Work
July 30, 2018
Jolyn Young
Oh, good, I thought as I walked down to the corral with camera in hand. There’s a lot of dust today; my branding pictures will look so cool! But that spring day during a drought at the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona held more dust than I bargained for. I could barely see what was […]

Winter Olympics For Equestrians
February 17, 2018
Jolyn Young
The official Olympic equestrian sports take place during the summer, and for good reason: It’s cold. The winter Olympic Games are reserved for athletes who enjoy icy speed, aerial flips, and frozen nose hair. But, if there were winter Olympics for western equestrians and ranch-minded folks, here are a few of the sports: Downhill skiing: […]

Shipping Calves
October 13, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
Shipping calves is the accumulation of the last year’s work. Over the last year ranchers have experienced sleepless nights, stressful situations, sickness, death, the miracle of life, moments of triumphs, and close calls. They have felt every emotion possible. They have done research. They have spent time caring for, feeding, and doctoring these calves. They […]
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