Posts Tagged ‘ranch wife’

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Fun With Horses

June 19, 2019
Jolyn Young

I was bumming out the other day, because the extent of my horse activities these days is pitching hay and filling the water trough. My husband took 6 of our horses with him to day work at a ranch 400 miles away, and I’m taking care of the 2 kids’ horses in his absence. I […]

5 Things I Don’t Miss About Cow Camp

June 13, 2019
Jolyn Young

My family spent its formative years living on remote ranches located an average of 2 hours from town. While there are many aspects of cow camp life that I miss, here are a few lifestyle traits I was happy to leave behind when we moved to our new location just 8 miles from a small agricultural […]

Christmas Guide, Gift And Otherwise

December 19, 2017
Jolyn Young

We are officially within a week of Christmas Day. It’s the center point of a month-long season of festivity, the reason for green tights and elementary school plays, Santa’s big day, Jesus’ birth, airplane rides in bad weather, incessantly ringing bells, and a whole lot of shopping all wrapped up and tied with a jolly […]

Wagon Camp Visit

October 17, 2017
Jolyn Young

Here at the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, it’s fall time. Wait, it’s fall time everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. I mean that since it’s fall time, it’s also fall wagon time here at the ROs. Yikes. That was an unexpectedly difficult thought to express. The ROs is one of the last few ranches […]

The Ranch Post Pile

January 23, 2016
Wendel Elliott

It’s just an old pile of cedar posts in the junk yard at the ranch. Maybe for you they’re pine or some other local timber. They were taken out of the ground years and years ago and brought here to be stacked. Sentinels that have stood proud on the ranch, keeping cattle in and doing […]

Twelve Days of Cowgirl Christmas

December 16, 2015
Richelle Barrett

Christmas comes but once a year. Thankfully.  Christmas in July does not count, for those of you that get into that marketing scheme… Getting in the spirit of Christmas should be so easy. Especially when your living room is decorated to the hilt, and you  welcome an “Elf on the Shelf” into your home. My […]

Golden Window

November 3, 2015
Rachel Larsen

We’re making up the sun in these last precious days of beautiful weather, the golden window, before Fall transitions into Winter. Around our outfit, this involves tackling projects that were set aside during the busy summer months. Projects like colt starting. Riding a young, inexperienced horse while chasing wily yearling cattle through the timber is […]

How To Improve Your Horsemanship Without Riding A Horse

September 9, 2015
Jolyn Young

The best way to keep a brand-new custom made saddle looking brand-new is to break your back (hi, Rolly Lisle!) or get pregnant (um, that’d be me) immediately after picking it up from the saddle shop. I was born on a ranch and have rode horses for a living and worked on ranches as an […]

A Windy Morning Ride.

August 29, 2015
Kay Schrock

Here on the ranch, Saturdays start out like every other day; eggs in the frying pan and hot coffee before the husband pulls on some work-boots. He heads out to work, while I start scrubbing bathrooms and floors. Today though, I pulled on some boots and went with him. He needed to ride through pairs, […]

Building A Family

August 12, 2015
Jolyn Young

My neighbor had a baby this spring, my other neighbor had a baby this summer, and I’m due to have a baby this fall. When we three go to a ranch rodeo together, people see us and caution each other not to drink the water where we live. This is only my second baby, so […]

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