Posts Tagged ‘ranch life’

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Wordless Wednesday

January 13, 2016
Jenn Zeller

Happy Trails!

Making Good Working Horses

January 9, 2016
Erica Mannix

We talk all the time about ways to make good working horses. I have recently been pondering exactly what this means because everyone has a different definition. Here’s my take on how good working horses are made. A few weeks ago we moved a group of cows back home before shipping. The trip itself involved a […]

Twelve Days of Cowgirl Christmas

December 16, 2015
Richelle Barrett

Christmas comes but once a year. Thankfully.  Christmas in July does not count, for those of you that get into that marketing scheme… Getting in the spirit of Christmas should be so easy. Especially when your living room is decorated to the hilt, and you  welcome an “Elf on the Shelf” into your home. My […]

Why God made the Rancher

December 12, 2015
Richelle Barrett

I wrote this poem as part of a Christmas present for my parents. The idea came from a poem I read every day as a kid, called “Why God made Little Girls” – Author unknown. I owe my parents a great deal of gratitude for choosing to raise my brother and I in such a […]

Hay Nets; A Great Way to Waste Less Hay

December 10, 2015
Lynn Kohr

From pastures to trailers to stalls, would you rather bed your horses in their hay or feed it? Until Hay Nets… as I unloaded my horses from my trailer, I found piles of hay under their feet, in-between their legs and all soaked in their urine and manure…unusable except for bedding and a mess to […]

Fox and The Scary Mineral Feeders

December 4, 2015
Jan Swan Wood

I was riding on a big yearling deal years ago and in one of the pastures the owner had put out those mineral feeders that have the top that protects the tub’s contents and turns in the wind. One horse in my string was not the sharpest individual, plus he didn’t see very well, so […]

Of {Good} Breeding

November 25, 2015
Richelle Barrett

I think anyone that has ever owned a horse has been there; that moment that some “horse person” (as my dad likes to call them) has to ask how your horse is bred. Not that there is anything wrong with it; indeed good bloodlines do make a difference when picking out the right horse. Even […]

Give Thanks

November 24, 2015
Jenn Zeller

With Thanksgiving this week, I figured it was a good time to think about how blessed we are in this life we get to lead — whether it’s a life in town, a life on the ranch, or a life abroad — we all have things we should be thankful for! Here’s my barely inclusive […]

Just One of the Girls…

November 18, 2015
Richelle Barrett

Hard evidence is starting to show I am a glutton for punishment. It is not enough that I work in an office full of women, and am the proud mother of two little blonde firecrackers, that I also have added a mare to my remuda and a little female Heeler-Heinz 57 mutt to our collection […]

Cold Weather Cowgirl Gear

November 11, 2015
Jenn Zeller

I get asked, a lot, how I keep the cold at bay in the winter while riding or doing chores. I like to wear layers, starting with a camisole, a long-sleeved t-shirt or thermal shirt, topped off with a denim shirt (though I’m known to wear them all year round, and make sure I wear […]

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