Posts Tagged ‘ranch life’
« Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 11 Next »Organizing a Living Quarters Trailer
May 8, 2017
Jenn Zeller
I’ve been on the road a lot this Spring, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! We thought it would be fun to share with you how to organize your Living Quarters Trailer. Or at least I can share with you how I organize mine. I haven’t yet, sadly, figured out the easiest way to […]
The Branding Season Guide You Haven’t Read
April 13, 2017
Jolyn Young
Most cowfolks think that branding season is the best time of the year, including Christmas and their own birthdays, but I have a confession to make. Branding season is not my favorite. I realize I may risk losing my cowboy card over this, but I’m willing to take that chance, because I have kids and […]
Translating Buckaroos To Cowpunchers
April 11, 2017
Jolyn Young
Buckaroos and cowpunchers both have the same basic job: to take care of cattle. Buckaroos live up north in the Great Basin, and cowpunchers live down south in Texas and the Southwest, and the differences in their lingo are as great as the differences in their gear and methods. My family and I recently moved […]
Ranch Horse Tack Hacks
March 30, 2017
Jolyn Young
If you Google “tack hacks,” you’ll discover that most of the ingenious solutions apply to English riders. What the heck? We western riders also have cool ideas to solve everyday tack problems in a pinch! The West wasn’t settled by flat-saddle riders wearing velvet helmets; cowboys and girls are a resourceful bunch known to make […]
Rimfired: What To Do
March 13, 2017
Jolyn Young
I went down in a bad rimfire, I went down, down, down and the hooves went higher. And it burns, burns, burns rimfire, rimfire. Wait, that’s not quite how the classic Johnny Cash song goes. Must be a remake from the (in)famous Luke Beaumeister, who currently buckaroos at Nevada’s Maggie Creek Ranch and used to […]
10 Things Every Ranch Kid Knows
March 10, 2017
Jolyn Young
1) Water troughs make the best swimming pools. The bigger the better, but a mineral tub will also do in a pinch. As long as it’s a container full of water placed in the front yard, it’ll make a good artificial swimming hole for a ranch kid plus a handful of friends. 2) It’s never […]
Desensitizing your spooky horse using a tarp
February 22, 2017
Jenn Zeller
Ask A Pro Question: “My horse spooks at the strangest things. I know he was desensitized as a colt. How do I get him over this spooky behavior?” Thank you for your question. It’s easy for us to forget that sometimes we need to go back to the beginning with our horses. Horses are never […]
New Cowboy Styles
January 27, 2017
Jolyn Young
We recently traded the snow drifts and sagebrush of northern Nevada for the milder winters and prickly vegetation of northern Arizona. Going from buckaroo country to cowpuncher territory is a big change for a cowboy family who has lived in Nevada for years, but we are looking forward to seeing new country and learning new […]
Christmas on the Ranch
December 21, 2016
Jenn Zeller
I love decorating for Christmas. And every year, folks the world over (mostly via my instagram account), ask to see photos of our tree. This year, I was kind of lazy, and basically only decorated the Great Room, and even then I didn’t do as much because, construction is still going on in this barn […]
Ranch Country Neighbors
November 20, 2016
Jolyn Young
I loaded up my kids the other day and drove an hour north to visit some neighbors who had just moved to the IL Ranch. In the Great Basin ranch country, our “neighbors” sometimes live many miles away, often down a rutted dirt road. I love the drive to the IL. While still on the […]
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