Posts Tagged ‘ranch life’

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5 Things I Miss About Cow Camp

May 30, 2019
Jolyn Young

We live 8 miles from the small agricultural town of Fallon, Nevada. It’s a big change from our standard living arrangement, which had been roughly 2 hours from town for the past 7 years. My most favorite place we lived was the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona. Here are […]

Winter on the Ranch

March 1, 2019
Jenn Zeller

Winter this year began as a meek, mild child and turned into a full-on rebellious teenager. It’s been unseasonably cold — the average this time of year should be about 30F, but instead it’s been about -5F. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been that cold, but it has sure felt like it. And you know it’s […]

Halter Breaking the Young Horse

November 15, 2018
Jenn Zeller

There are some subtle little things you can do when halter breaking a young horse. These quick points will help them lead better, hunt you up, and make it easier to get them haltered. Enjoy! Happy Trails!

Summer Cow Camp 101: The Other Side

August 19, 2018
Jolyn Young

Each summer, many cowboys on ranches throughout the American West leave headquarters to live at cow camps for the season. Moving closer to the cattle on their summer range is more efficient for the ranch and employees. It saves a long, bumpy commute on a dirt road each day, and is easier on the equipment, […]

Summer Cow Camp 101: Living Situation

August 6, 2018
Jolyn Young

Every summer, hundreds (okay, maybe dozens) of cowboys head to cow camp. They leave headquarters to follow the cattle high up into the mountains for a few months. The air is cooler, the feed is taller, and the water flows more abundantly at these higher elevations, allowing the ranch to most efficiently use its natural […]

Dirty Work

July 30, 2018
Jolyn Young

Oh, good, I thought as I walked down to the corral with camera in hand. There’s a lot of dust today; my branding pictures will look so cool! But that spring day during a drought at the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona held more dust than I bargained for. I could barely see what was […]

Cowboying: A Timeless Tradition

July 20, 2018
Jolyn Young

Cowboying hasn’t changed all that much in 150 years or so. These black and white images taken at the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona during the spring wagon in May of 2018 show the timeless nature of the occupation. Here, Creek necks a calf and waits for another member […]

Emily McCartney: Guest Instagram Photographer

January 29, 2018
Jessie Salter

This week’s Cavvy Savvy Instagram guest is Emily McCartney. Emily McCartney is the 6th generation of the R.A. Brown Ranch in Throckmorton, TX, but a first generation photographer- especially a “wandering western lifestyle photographer”. Emily began photographing at age 12, started her photography business at age 17, and after graduating from Texas Tech University in May […]

Hollywoods Bandit Continued

December 17, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke

The spring of 2016, Hollywoods Bandit was finally two years old. Now he was old enough to start putting an few rides on. After about 3 rides we had another hitch thrown in… Bandit impaled himself with an upright brace of a gate. He reared over a metal gate and the horizontal bar bent down […]

Reading on the Ranch

November 23, 2017
Sales Staff

Support Literacy in Rural Schools this Holiday Season In today’s age, it is hard to think of a little kid with nothing to read at home. But, the reality is there are kids of all ages without a good book at night, classrooms without enough to go around, and school libraries in need of some […]

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