Posts Tagged ‘ranch life’

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Wild Cattle on the Rez

January 19, 2025
Jan Swan Wood

This may not seem like a cowboy story to begin with, but hang in there, it gets to be. Several decadesago, my cousin John was a professional trapper in eastern Colorado. He worked for the state and also for private ranchers and farmers all over the plains for many years, besides being a wheat farmer. […]

Tips for Winter Riding

January 12, 2025
Anna Foulger

Winter riding can be a lot of fun or a major hassle. Here are some practical tips to make riding through the cold months more enjoyable and safe. Basics include some safety things to keep in mind for your horse and you. As well as some easy solutions for even the most frigid days. With […]

New Saddle Christening

January 10, 2025
Jan Swan Wood

My first custom saddle was a pretty exciting thing for me. Having ridden all sorts of saddles over theyears, I was finally getting one made to fit just me. I’d studied the options the maker was offering andhad, on paper, created the saddle to fit my needs perfectly. The saddlemaker was an artist at his […]

Wives of Ranches

January 8, 2025
Anna Foulger

Waking up early, I bring the baby to the living room, place him on his sheepskin and start on breakfast while the toddler sleeps in a few extra minutes. Eggs, bacon, coffee boiling, toast, as the pitter patter of toddler feet come racing down the hall, “mama, breakfast?” she asks as I serve up plates […]

Cody the Horse vs Hazel the Milk Cow

January 6, 2025
Jan Swan Wood

Years ago, I had the most evil, witch of a milk cow I called Hazel, amongst other things. Her exploits were many, but one of the funniest things I saw happen was when she got educated by a horse. Cody was a stout gray mare who had a fanny on her a yard across, it […]

The Early October Blizzard

December 19, 2024
Jan Swan Wood

It was in October and my Dad and brothers, and a brother-in-law were on an elk hunt in the Dubois, Wyoming area about 350 miles away. I had hauled my horse Kelly from wherever I was living at the time and was taking care of the livestock and keeping Mom company for the duration of […]

Pros and Cons of Take Your Son to Work Day

October 6, 2021
Jolyn Young

I’m a full time mom, part time writer, and very occasional day worker. My oldest two kids go to school every day while my three-year-old son Levi tags along with me wherever I go. Last week, me and Levi helped a local rancher process cattle for the fall works. The processing chute and corrals are […]

Little Lessons

June 29, 2020
Jolyn Young

When we first transitioned from living on big outfits to buying our little place a few miles from a small town, I worried a bit about the kids. Sure, expanding their opportunities was a huge factor in our decision to make the leap; we wanted them to be able to attend public school, play t-ball, […]

Riding After Kids

April 26, 2020
Jolyn Young

Last week, I saddled my horse for the first time in two years. That seems like a long time off for a lifelong horse lover such as myself to forego riding, and it was. I used to ride horses for the public. I lope three-year-olds for a cutting horse trainer in Texas, and I cowboyed […]

Cowkids in the Garden

March 29, 2020
Jolyn Young

My kids love to help me in the garden. Even in the off season, we like to spend time in my little fenced plot between the horse pen and the wood pile. All three kids have child-sized trowels and gloves. We added a Tonka dump truck, miniature wheelbarrow, little red wagon, assorted tin cans, and […]

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