Posts Tagged ‘ranch horses’

Diamonds In The Desert Performance Horse Sale
November 30, 2018
Tiffany Schwenke
Diamonds In The Desert Performance Horse Sale is a new and exciting sale! The sale is happening in Las Vegas, Nevada during the WNFR at the Plaza Hotel, December 13th at 1pm! MM Auction Services, LLC owned and operated by high school rodeo sweethearts, Colby and Codi Gines of Powell, Wyoming are more than delighted […]

Horse Sales: A Family Affair
August 27, 2018
Jolyn Young
My husband and I consigned our second bridle horse to a regional sale this fall, and there’s a 75% chance that I will cry when he sells. When the auctioneer yelled “Sold!” on our last horse, I bawled my eyes out until I learned that he went to a super nice ranch family whose kids […]

The Cowboy And His Horse
November 7, 2017
Jolyn Young
The horses a working cowboy rides probably have more impact on his daily happiness than any other aspect of ranch life. A good cowboy carefully notes everything about his string of horses – their ages, level of training, physical size, length of stride, temperament, willingness to work, and surefootedness. He selects a horse for each […]

Cowboy Skill: Nose Bags
July 12, 2017
Jolyn Young
Using nose bags can be a handy way to grain your horse. It also helps get him sacked out and more gentle, because he won’t be too wild and head-shy after he learns to like having a bag filled with grain tied to his face. To nose bag a horse (or a corral full, in […]

Launch Pad To Oprah: Horse Names
June 21, 2017
Jolyn Young
Horse owners come up with some creative names for their horses, and cowboys may take the prize for the zaniest monikers for their equine companions. Here are some of the most unusual and least politically correct horse names in the Western United States.* Launch Pad: Preparing to step on this horse must’ve been a tad […]

No Trailer? No Problem!
June 10, 2017
Jolyn Young
At the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, the cowboys rarely use a horse trailer. In country so steep, rocky and rough that it can take an hour to drive an unhooked pickup 10 miles, it’s more practical and efficient to just ride from Point A to Wherever The Cows Are. During most of the […]

Cowboy Gear
June 1, 2017
Jolyn Young
Cowboys from across the regions of the Western United States all sit in saddles and ride horses to work. But aside from those general similarities, the gear they pack with them all day can vary widely. After we moved to northern Arizona from northern Nevada, my husband discovered that cowpunchers carry a LOT more supplies […]

The Look In His Eye
May 10, 2017
Jolyn Young
“Jolyn, have you been bucked off lately?” The question was asked years ago by the ranch manager. He could see that I was about to step on a fresh 2-year-old cutting filly with a broncy look in her eye. “No, but I might be about to,” I said as I swung aboard. Jenna was the […]

Green Grass Syndrome
May 4, 2017
Jolyn Young
You’ve heard of Tying Up Syndrome and Cushing’s Syndrome, but have you ever heard of Green Grass Syndrome? It’s rarely researched and scantily documented by equine researchers and veterinarians, but it regularly occurs each spring and affects thousands 0f domesticated horses and horse owners worldwide. Green Grass Syndrome (GGS) is caused by an increased consumption […]