Posts Tagged ‘photo’

Photographing a Profile: Positioning the Horse

May 23, 2019
Savanna Simmons

When posing a horse’s profile to shoot for a horse sale, sale ad, stud flyer, or other reason, I find that positioning a horse with the front foot nearest forward, and the hind leg nearest back, and the two off-side legs in closer. This flatters the horse and doesn’t create anything that doesn’t exist, conformation-wise. […]

Featured Photographer: Allison Williams

April 12, 2019
Savanna Simmons

Allison Williams is my neighbor and one heck of a young photographer. She is the middle child of JD and Lisa Williams, younger sister to Clayton, older sister to Larkin, and she just recently picked up the camera and started shooting the daily happenings at Four Three Land and Cattle, which her dad (pictured below) […]