Posts Tagged ‘northern Arizona’

Cowpuncher Skill: Trailing The Cut
June 29, 2017
Jolyn Young
At the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, the cow herd that resides on the west side is never moved. I mean, like, NEVER. The cows winter and calve outside, and natural boundaries are the primary method used to keep the cattle where they’re supposed to be. There are some fences, but the cattle aren’t […]

No Trailer? No Problem!
June 10, 2017
Jolyn Young
At the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, the cowboys rarely use a horse trailer. In country so steep, rocky and rough that it can take an hour to drive an unhooked pickup 10 miles, it’s more practical and efficient to just ride from Point A to Wherever The Cows Are. During most of the […]