Posts Tagged ‘Ned Ledoux’

Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Celebrates 68 years
May 4, 2018
Savanna Simmons
This year is the 68th Annual World Famous Bucking Horse Sale May 17-20 in Miles City, Montana, but the event is far more than just bucking horses. Attendees can catch a Ned LeDoux and Corb Lund concert at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Tickets are available for purchase online at, by emailing, calling 406-234-2890, or […]

A Real Cowboy Singing Country Music – Ned LeDoux
March 29, 2018
Tiffany Schwenke
There is a familiar sound coming out of the speakers these days. Something about it is different, but something is also very familiar. Ned LeDoux has been pursuing his dream in the music business and making people do a double take. The family resemblance is strong in many ways between Ned LeDoux and his father […]