Posts Tagged ‘mom’

Let Them Be Little
December 19, 2018
Savanna Simmons
My husband Boe and I got some really great advice from even before we had little kids, from Bryan Neubert. He said, “Take your kids off their horses before they say they’re done.” This is a really great way to instill, or keep, that love of horses in place. My kids, as I’m guessing Bryan’s […]

Just Another Day in Paradise
July 30, 2016
by Savanna Simmons
When I would ask a good friend and fellow ranch-wife how she was doing, her reply was always, “Great! Just another day in paradise!” At the age of 20, I always sniggered about her response and thought it to be “cute”. Now, I think it’s important. Being a ranch-wife and parent in a remote location is […]

Building A Family
August 12, 2015
Jolyn Young
My neighbor had a baby this spring, my other neighbor had a baby this summer, and I’m due to have a baby this fall. When we three go to a ranch rodeo together, people see us and caution each other not to drink the water where we live. This is only my second baby, so […]