Posts Tagged ‘kohr quarter horses’

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Post Race Anxiety in Barrel Horses

February 10, 2018
Lynn Kohr

Does your horse exhibit post race anxiety? Is your horse nervous, anxious, fretful, elevated, irritated or not listening after your barrel run? Does he just want to get back to his buddies or is it something more?   The first thing to rule out when thinking of anxiety is physical pain. Is your horse lame […]

Working A Gate to Learn Precision

December 23, 2017
Lynn Kohr

Everything I want my horse to know I can teach him working a gate. Working a gate has been a training block for me for years, allowing me a place to evaluate and learn each particular horse. How well do they tolerate pressure? How well will they move their feet? How well developed are their patience, […]

Weaning Colts Part 1; Veterinarian Interview

September 19, 2017
Lynn Kohr

As Fall is just around the corner, my thoughts turn to weaning colts. At what age do you wean colts? What vaccines? Deworming? What’s the best way to wean a colt? I asked my favorite veterinarian and husband, Dr. Marshall Kohr from Gillette, Wyoming’s Animal Medical Center and several breeders these same questions. In the […]

Famous Equine LLC Conditioning and Rehab Center

February 3, 2017
Lynn Kohr

Famous Equine LLC Conditioning and Rehab Center, is a great solution for the dangerous and inconvenient winter conditions when you are needing to get competition horses in shape.  Famous Equine is a healthy, convenient, and affordable solution to our cold, icy, winter conditioning choices. AquaTred, Indoor Arena, 6 Horse Preifert free-style exerciser, Equi-Vibe, Nebulizers, and […]

Leading Your Horse Part 2

January 22, 2017
Lynn Kohr

In my first post about leading your horse, I discussed getting your horse to softly go with you. We don’t want our horses, dragging behind us or pulling ahead. By teaching our horses to go with us, loading in a trailer is made easier. 1. Soften your horse…side to side, crossing over deeply behind and […]

First Time Horse Owner’s First Aid Kit

December 28, 2016
Lynn Kohr

All first time horse owners have a huge amount of information to process. Often times an overload of everyday peoples’ opinions confuse many basic first aid issues for new horse owners. My first piece of advice; just as you would when venturing into the world of having children, establish a reliable veterinarian just as you […]

How to Freeze Brand your Horse

December 8, 2016
Lynn Kohr

Freeze branding your horse is an alternative to the traditional hot brands. The actual branding irons for freeze brands are made of brass, keeping the cold from the liquid nitrogen, and transferring the cold better than traditional iron branding irons. We order our freeze branding irons from a company in ND. L & H Branding […]

Leading Your Horse Series; Part 1

November 22, 2016
Lynn Kohr

Leading: How to get our horses to go with us while being lead, instead of dragging behind or pulling ahead. It is all in their feet! Okay, so what does that mean? When a horse refuses to lead off lightly, their feet are stuck. If a horse pulls on us and drags behind, it is […]

How Does Your Horse Lead?

November 14, 2016
Lynn Kohr

How Does Your Horse Lead? Does he accompany you and come along with you? Does he pull, push or drag? I was recently with Tom Wagoner, Feet First Horsemanship, and he was just working a colt that had pretty sticky feet: the colt did not want to move them, meaning he did not want to […]

Side Pulls, Hackamores, Rope Nose-band Hackamores

November 8, 2016
Lynn Kohr

Side pulls, hackamores, rope nose-band hackamores…It might be time to make a change if your horse gets uncomfortable with his bit.  First, lets ask what would cause your horse to suddenly be uncomfortable with his once favorite bit? These are the top three major causes for definite and sometimes dramatic changes in your horse’s demeanor […]

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