Posts Tagged ‘how to’

Photographing a Profile: Positioning the Horse

May 23, 2019
Savanna Simmons

When posing a horse’s profile to shoot for a horse sale, sale ad, stud flyer, or other reason, I find that positioning a horse with the front foot nearest forward, and the hind leg nearest back, and the two off-side legs in closer. This flatters the horse and doesn’t create anything that doesn’t exist, conformation-wise. […]

Reaching Collection

November 27, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Remember my superficial collection as a teen? My horse was soft and his head was tucked in. He looked fancy even! But it wasn’t what I was after, though I didn’t know the difference then. Creating full body collection takes some practice and development of your horse’s willingness and muscle-build. Have you seen those horses […]

Understanding Collection

November 22, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Jenn Zeller, The South Dakota Cowgirl, explained collection really well in a three-part series in 2015. I would encourage you to read all three parts in addition to what I’m about to share with you. My hope is that they can provide you with a fresh and better understanding of what collection is and how […]

Smoother Trailer Unloading

August 17, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Some horses are hesitant, slow, and clunky when stepping out of the trailer backwards, while other horses refuse to back out entirely. We prefer that our horses back out of the trailer. They tend to be in more control when backing and it prevents slipping of the front legs when hitting the ground, and slipping […]

How to tie an Alamar Knot

April 27, 2017
Savanna Simmons

The alamar knot is one of the prettiest I know and is commonly seen among buckaroo crowds. It is used as a way to tie your get-down rope on a horse that is straight up in the bridle. The entire length of your rope can be tied into the alamar knot, or if there is slack […]

How To Tie A Rope Halter…Correctly

June 23, 2015
Lynn Kohr

How To Tie A Rope Halter…Correctly. When I see a rope halter tied incorrectly,(the tie is above the loop) I learn something about the person behind the tie. He might be a dude.  When tied above the halter loop, a horse can pull out of the halter pretty easily and quickly.  If you have ever […]