Posts Tagged ‘horse training’

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Lead Departures

February 8, 2025
Anna Foulger

In any reining pattern, a beautiful lead departure can make or break your score. Though it seems really simple, some horses really struggle with making a lead departure look effortless. A perfect lead departure is going to feel and look smooth, with minimal effort. Your horse should really gather himself up into the bit and […]

The Snaffle Bit

January 29, 2025
Anna Foulger

Riding young horses can be really challenging sometimes, but thankfully there are some great tools you can use to help. My personal favorite tool when starting and riding young horses is the snaffle bit. When used correctly, a snaffle bit is a great aid for horses as it uses direct pressure to guide your horse […]

Working on the Turn Around

January 25, 2025
Anna Foulger

Working on the turn around is such a fun point in training a horse. The softness and correctness you have come to, to be capable of asking a horse to turn around correctly is really a great place to be with any colt or horse you have been working on. A turn around is a […]

Ranch Horse Agility Training

January 23, 2025
Jan Swan Wood

My Dad had a really good, home raised gelding named Reno. He was my Dad’s horse of a lifetime. Agolden buckskin, he was a smooth made combination of a Thoroughbred mare and a Jack McCue bredstud. Foaled in 1960, by the time he was five years old, there just wasn’t anything he wasn’t capable of […]

Riding the Unkind Horse

January 21, 2025
Anna Foulger

There is something to be said for the unkind horses. The horses that you want to be good, but everytime you go to swing a leg up, you can’t help, but wish you were anywhere else in the world. Now I’m not talking about the broncs of this world, because believe me when I say, […]

The Bum Calf Down the Fence

January 17, 2025
Anna Foulger

How bad do you want it? How hard are you willing to work? Train? Rain or shine, early mornings, late nights, kids in tow, that’s how bad it has to be. The all consuming drive that keeps you up at night, thinking of ways to work on the maneuver, fix the problem horse, ride the […]

Natural Protocol for Colic

January 14, 2025
Anna Foulger

Colic is something that most horse owners have dealt with a time or two. Colic is something that can put the best of horses down and lead to a life or death situation very quickly. On our ranch we like to take a natural approach as much as possible, including in our horse care. We […]

Tips for Winter Riding

January 12, 2025
Anna Foulger

Winter riding can be a lot of fun or a major hassle. Here are some practical tips to make riding through the cold months more enjoyable and safe. Basics include some safety things to keep in mind for your horse and you. As well as some easy solutions for even the most frigid days. With […]

Dragging a Log with Purpose in Mind

February 15, 2020
Tristen Baroni

Using ropes and dragging logs is a great way to educate your horses and prepare them for future situations or career paths. I personally find it entertaining because I try and imagine a working scenario in my mind. You may see me dragging a log and you wouldn’t be wrong, but what I’m seeing is […]

Making a Barrel Horse: From the Ground Up

January 16, 2020
Jenn Zeller

The foundation of any good horse begins on the ground, and it’s something I do with any future barrel horse. In this video, Luna (Shesa Quick Dasher) and I will show you what basic groundwork looks like. In the follow-up video I’ll show you what the ground work, looks like from the saddle on a […]

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