Posts Tagged ‘horse owners’

Anti-New Year’s Resolutions For Horse Owners

December 30, 2017
Jolyn Young

January 1st is upon us, and many well-intended folks are forming New Year’s Resolutions. They declare their intentions to lose more weight, spend less money, and otherwise improve themselves. But as horse people, we are already a pretty fantastic bunch of people. So I say “Why try to improve ourselves? Let’s keep on doing like […]

How To Beat The White Winter Blues

February 5, 2017
Jolyn Young

We’re in the middle of one of the coldest, snowiest winters in anyone’s memory. Old timers across the nation are saying they haven’t seen this much snow in over thirty years. It’s great to store up so much moisture for the coming growing season, but these short, frozen days and long, even more frozen nights […]