Posts Tagged ‘horse health’

Stomach Ulcers in Horses

November 19, 2019
Dr. Matt Witzel, DVM

Does your horse have an attitude problem? Maybe you’ve seen a decrease in its athletic abilities? Have you seen multiple colic episodes in the past few years? Does your horse seem to get nervous or worked up easily? These are some questions I often ask that may lead us to investigate the likelihood of stomach […]

Deworming The Difficult Horse

November 19, 2018
Tristen Baroni

Today we are covering deworming your horse and some methods you can use to handle the horse that can be difficult to deworm. The number one key for this to be a successful endeavor for both you and your horse is preparation. If you have a horse that you know is difficult (or you think […]

Winter Weather Increases Risk of Colic in Horses: Part 3–Feed

January 13, 2017
By Kristin Danley-Greiner for The Fence Post

Read part 1 and part 2 of this series. The choice of feed and transition of feeds can also affect a horse’s chances of developing colic. The change from a high-moisture feed like grass to drier hay, or even changing from grass hay to alfalfa hay or vice versa can upset a horse’s stomach. “You’re […]

Winter Weather Increases Risk of Colic in Horses: Part 2–Water

January 12, 2017
By Kristin Danley-Greiner for The Fence Post

Read part 1 of this series about winter colic in horses here. Dehydration is probably the biggest factor in winter colic. “We’ll see horses with an obstruction or impaction in their colon due to the colic. They have about 100 to 120 feet of intestine from one end to the other, so if they aren’t […]

Winter Weather Boosts Risk of Colic in Horses: Part 1

January 11, 2017
By Kristin Danley-Greiner for The Fence Post

Horses don’t need much—food, water, a little protection from the elements. Wild horses can get by on old grass and snow all winter, without any help from automatic waterers or heated barns. But there’s a difference between surviving and thriving, and when you’ve invested heavily–both financially and emotionally–in an animal, surviving just isn’t good enough. […]