Posts Tagged ‘halter’

Halter-Breaking While Mounted; Part 2

June 30, 2016
Savanna Simmons

In my first post I wrote about halter-breaking and the benefits of creating a soft feel while being aboard a saddle horse. Being on a saddle horse also puts the cowboy above the colt, as will be the case upon finally riding the colt. That colt gets used to a person petting on them from […]

Halter-breaking While Mounted; Part 1

June 14, 2016
by Savanna Simmons

The cowboys of the ranch by which we’re employed were contracted in February to start several colts for an outside source. Two of the cowboys started halter-breaking the colts for the first few days from atop trusty mounts. Doing so gives the human a few advantages and makes starting smoother on both horse and human. […]