Posts Tagged ‘Elko’
Weeds, Flies And Road Trips: A Western Travel Guide
May 24, 2017
Jolyn Young
Summer is approaching, and all ranch folks know what that means: weeds, flies, and road trips. If you’re in the mood to throw a suitcase in the pickup and hit the highway, here are a few words of wisdom – or something – about a few Western destinations. To help out my fellow traveler, I […]
Our First Sale Horse
September 7, 2016
Jolyn Young
We’re putting our first horse in a sale this month. At first I was apprehensive, then I was sad, and now I’m proud. So many emotions! We’re selling Bob, the first horse my husband bought as an adult. Jim rode Bob through a divorce, across numerous Great Basin ranches, to Texas and back home to […]
Van Norman and Friends Production Sale
September 3, 2015
Jolyn Young
Pretty roans, fall colors and good friends are always present at the annual Van Norman and Friends Production Sale. The first is for sale, so if you’re in the market for a good ranch horse, grab a bidder’s number and don’t be shy about sticking your hand up in the air; if a horse is […]
The Good Country
July 14, 2015
Jolyn Young
My writing assignments took me north to Elko last week, and I was so glad for an excuse to revisit the country where my whole Nevada adventure began five years ago, when I left northern California to work on the Van Norman ranch. I drove 70 miles north of town to the Spanish Ranch to […]