Posts Tagged ‘cowpunchers’

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5 Things I Miss About Cow Camp

May 30, 2019
Jolyn Young

We live 8 miles from the small agricultural town of Fallon, Nevada. It’s a big change from our standard living arrangement, which had been roughly 2 hours from town for the past 7 years. My most favorite place we lived was the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona. Here are […]

Dirty Work

July 30, 2018
Jolyn Young

Oh, good, I thought as I walked down to the corral with camera in hand. There’s a lot of dust today; my branding pictures will look so cool! But that spring day during a drought at the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona held more dust than I bargained for. I could barely see what was […]

Cowboying: A Timeless Tradition

July 20, 2018
Jolyn Young

Cowboying hasn’t changed all that much in 150 years or so. These black and white images taken at the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona during the spring wagon in May of 2018 show the timeless nature of the occupation. Here, Creek necks a calf and waits for another member […]

Ropers North And South

November 19, 2017
Jolyn Young

Roping is roping, right? Wrong. Well, kind of right. And kind of…well, just different. We’ve been living in Arizona for nearly a year now, and I’ve noticed a few differences in the way cowpunchers approach roping compared with the buckaroo style. But, here’s one thing these ropers have in common: Build a loop. Hold it […]

The Cowboy And His Horse

November 7, 2017
Jolyn Young

The horses a working cowboy rides probably have more impact on his daily happiness than any other aspect of ranch life. A good cowboy carefully notes everything about his string of horses – their ages, level of training, physical size, length of stride, temperament, willingness to work, and surefootedness. He selects a horse for each […]

Stylish Spur Selection

October 24, 2017
Jolyn Young

I’ve been photographing cowpunchers for almost a year now, and I finally found something flashy and ornamental in their gear: their spurs! I had to look long, hard, and just above ground level, but it appears these guys wear their fancy on their feet. These spurs were spotted at a fall branding on a northern […]

Wagon Camp Visit

October 17, 2017
Jolyn Young

Here at the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, it’s fall time. Wait, it’s fall time everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. I mean that since it’s fall time, it’s also fall wagon time here at the ROs. Yikes. That was an unexpectedly difficult thought to express. The ROs is one of the last few ranches […]

Cowpuncher Skill: Trailing The Cut

June 29, 2017
Jolyn Young

At the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, the cow herd that resides on the west side is never moved. I mean, like, NEVER. The cows winter and calve outside, and natural boundaries are the primary method used to keep the cattle where they’re supposed to be. There are some fences, but the cattle aren’t […]

No Trailer? No Problem!

June 10, 2017
Jolyn Young

At the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona, the cowboys rarely use a horse trailer. In country so steep, rocky and rough that it can take an hour to drive an unhooked pickup 10 miles, it’s more practical and efficient to just ride from Point A to Wherever The Cows Are. During most of the […]

Cowboy Gear

June 1, 2017
Jolyn Young

Cowboys from across the regions of the Western United States all sit in saddles and ride horses to work. But aside from those general similarities, the gear they pack with them all day can vary widely. After we moved to northern Arizona from northern Nevada, my husband discovered that cowpunchers carry a LOT more supplies […]

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