Posts Tagged ‘cowgirls’

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Finn the Cowdog

January 27, 2025
Anna Foulger

A brisk early morning of twelve degrees as I put on my shotguns (chaps) and gloves, getting ready to bring the heifers in to do Bang-s vaccines this afternoon. Finn, my handy little border collie, is waiting by the door ready to go out, anxious to work some cows today. Working cow dogs are a […]

Working on the Turn Around

January 25, 2025
Anna Foulger

Working on the turn around is such a fun point in training a horse. The softness and correctness you have come to, to be capable of asking a horse to turn around correctly is really a great place to be with any colt or horse you have been working on. A turn around is a […]

Riding the Unkind Horse

January 21, 2025
Anna Foulger

There is something to be said for the unkind horses. The horses that you want to be good, but everytime you go to swing a leg up, you can’t help, but wish you were anywhere else in the world. Now I’m not talking about the broncs of this world, because believe me when I say, […]

The Bum Calf Down the Fence

January 17, 2025
Anna Foulger

How bad do you want it? How hard are you willing to work? Train? Rain or shine, early mornings, late nights, kids in tow, that’s how bad it has to be. The all consuming drive that keeps you up at night, thinking of ways to work on the maneuver, fix the problem horse, ride the […]

New Saddle Christening

January 10, 2025
Jan Swan Wood

My first custom saddle was a pretty exciting thing for me. Having ridden all sorts of saddles over theyears, I was finally getting one made to fit just me. I’d studied the options the maker was offering andhad, on paper, created the saddle to fit my needs perfectly. The saddlemaker was an artist at his […]

Wives of Ranches

January 8, 2025
Anna Foulger

Waking up early, I bring the baby to the living room, place him on his sheepskin and start on breakfast while the toddler sleeps in a few extra minutes. Eggs, bacon, coffee boiling, toast, as the pitter patter of toddler feet come racing down the hall, “mama, breakfast?” she asks as I serve up plates […]

Pretty Simple Man: Special Breakaway Horse Heads to NFBR

November 19, 2022
Ruth Nicolaus

When Rickie Engesser competes at her first National Finals Breakaway Roping this December, she’ll be aboard an unlikely horse. Lavaca Sting, “Rollo,” a twenty-year-old gelding, will be her mount for the biggest breakaway stage in pro rodeo. Rickie, who lives in Martin, S.D., never intended for Rollo to be her main mount. While in college […]

A Covid-Free Branding

May 22, 2020
Jolyn Young

My cowboy husband, Jim, has been busy branding calves at various ranches this spring while I have been holding down the home place with our three small kids. He day works to pay our bills, and the idea was for me to stay home and shuttle our first grader back and forth to elementary school. […]

Cowgirl Weather Forecast

April 5, 2020
Jolyn Young

It is officially spring, and the extended forecast calls for continued mass hysteria all across the nation. The main storm centers are New York and California (aren’t they always?) with large quantities of storm clouds also originating from Washington state. Washington D.C. is trying to curb the potentially devastating financial impact of the storm, but […]

Meet The Horsewoman and Artist, Olivia Constance Hunsperger

November 25, 2019
Tiffany Schwenke

Olivia Constance Hunsperger is a horsewomen and artist whom I’ve kept my eye on for awhile now. Her horses are fancy and she creates unique artistic visuals that I think are awesome! I recently asked Olivia to tell us more about herself and her journey as a horsewoman and artist. OCH: They say, I came […]

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