Posts Tagged ‘cowboy’
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Book Release: Brim and the Big Cat Blunder
September 29, 2020
Savanna Simmons
New release children’s chapter book Brim and the Big Cat Blunder by author Savanna Simmons is a thrilling tale about the turmoil and internal strife of a 10-year-old boy. For all intents and purposes, Brim’s life is great on the ranch, but he fights the desire to be older than his years. The books winds its […]

Circle the Wagons: The Happy Toy Maker’s Thayne Slater
August 28, 2020
Savanna Simmons
My friend Jerry Sims posted a call for support for his hired man, Thayne Slater. Please consider purchasing a raffle ticket for any amount you care to from $1 on up. Jerry is wonderful support to many causes and organizations, and this one’s mighty important and a great way to thank him. Here are a […]

Children’s Ag School Resources
March 30, 2020
Savanna Simmons
I’ve witnessed a wonderful occurrence across Facebook and the internet as schools began closing their doors: online school resources for children. Coloring pages, learning apps that usually cost, virtual zoo and park tours and lives all became available to entertain and teach our children. I’ve been doing the suggested school work with my children, but my […]

Children’s Book Author, Michelle Provost
March 24, 2020
Savanna Simmons
I found Michelle Provost, author of ABC’s on the Ranch and ABC’s of Horses, on Facebook as she was requesting photos for her second book. Our Appaloosa Chavez found his way into her fun children’s book ABC’s of Horses. If you care to purchase either book, they can be found on Amazon here for the […]

Q and A with Turquoise Armadillo Co.
March 16, 2020
Savanna Simmons
Rebekah Landmark, owner of Turquoise Armadillo Co., makes the neatest scarves for those of all ages and the prettiest little bows for cowboy girls. She can even create custom gear that includes a brand or particular discipline! Read more about what Rebekah offers and shop with her here: How did you get into making […]

Lessons Learned At The Rodeo
July 15, 2019
Jolyn Young
While driving into town a couple weeks ago, I saw a flyer advertising a rodeo at the local fairgrounds. I decided to sign up my two big kids for mutton busting and take all 3 of my offspring to the rodeo by myself, because I am insane. My husband would have helped wrangle our crew, […]

Cow Camp Weekend
May 20, 2019
Jolyn Young
Earlier this year, our family relocated from the wilds of America (aka “various cattle ranches far from town”) to a small place a few miles from town. Still working as a cowboy, my husband, Jim, hired on with a semi-nearby ranch to help with the spring works. After missing him for two weeks, the kids […]

Circle the Wagons: Buck Walker
January 14, 2019
Savanna Simmons
In his lifetime of cowboying, Buck Walker has had a run-in with a wild cow or two. He’s butted heads with a horse in his day, and now, he is up against his biggest wrangle yet, colorectal cancer. In less than a week, friends and family of Buck Walker will convene in Montana to support […]

Circle the Wagons: Peterson Family
October 24, 2018
Savanna Simmons
A person doesn’t need to meet the Peterson family to know just how wonderful, kind, Godly, and loved they are. The Petersons, from Paradise, Arizona, lost their 17-year-old son Quirt to a ranch accident about a month ago. Quirt was the oldest of four kids and was, quite clearly, a hand, and a kind kid. […]

If You Give A Boy A Rope…
August 4, 2018
Savanna Simmons
My friend Amy Potter over at Ranch Wife Revolution came up with this sweet adaptation of “If you give a boy a baseball” that really fits her family. I shared Amy’s version of If You Give A Girl a Rope… and this version is for her son, Colt. A handsome, talented fella, who is driven […]
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