Posts Tagged ‘cowboy skills’

Trailer Loading
November 4, 2019
Jolyn Young
Trailer loading is an essential skill for a working cowboy. Oftentimes, cattle need to be caught and loaded into a stock trailer way out on the range, far from the convenience of corrals and a loading chute. But with enough knowledge, a rope, and a horse, a cowboy crew can load bovines with very little […]

Day Working Cowboy
September 11, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
One of the things I enjoy about this cowboy life is day working on other ranches. For this day working cowboy its about riding in new country and exploring what is over that next hill. It is food for my soul. It’s like therapy. It helps a person keep their mind in the middle. Getting […]

Cowboy Skills: Reading Tracks
July 16, 2017
Jolyn Young
Reading tracks is an important skill for a working cowboy, right up there with doctoring calves and learning how to avoid driving a tractor. When a cowboy is checking his cattle and finds an open gate, he needs to be able to tell if any cattle passed through it. Chances are, he won’t see any […]

Ponying Your Horse
July 2, 2017
Jolyn Young
Ponying your horse or leading a horse from the back of another horse is a useful skill for both horses and the rider. Your ability to lead a horse while riding one, as well as the horse’s ability to be led from a rider, can come in handy in unexpected ways. If another horse gets […]

New Cowboy Styles
January 27, 2017
Jolyn Young
We recently traded the snow drifts and sagebrush of northern Nevada for the milder winters and prickly vegetation of northern Arizona. Going from buckaroo country to cowpuncher territory is a big change for a cowboy family who has lived in Nevada for years, but we are looking forward to seeing new country and learning new […]