Posts Tagged ‘cowboy poetry’
Branded In Ink Jessica Hedges
March 21, 2018
Tiffany Schwenke
Are you interested in growing your online business? Have you heard about Branded In Ink? If not, let me fill you in on a little backstory about the creator of Branded In Ink, Jessica Hedges. A few years ago I connected with a gal named Jessica Hedges through Facebook. At that time Jessica owned a […]
2017 WSRRA FINALS Follow-up
December 1, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
The 2017 WSRRA Finals results are in, and it was fun to watch it all play out! Teams had traveled from near and far with big plans of roping fast and riding tough! Everyone gathered for the 2017 WSRRA Finals in Winnemucca, Nevada. Loops were thrown and broncs were ridden! You can tell how much […]
Great Basin Gathering, Music, Poetry, and Gear Show
November 3, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
The first weekend in November many of the nation’s top cowboys and cowgirls will be in Winnemucca, Nevada competing at the Western States Ranch Rodeo (WSRRA) Finals for the championship title! In conjunction with the WSRRA Finals is the 3rd Annual Great Basin Gathering, Music, Poetry, and Gear Show! This is a place for friends […]
Be Smart: Rope The Dummy
February 19, 2017
Jolyn Young
When heading out to rope the dummy, grab the worst rope you can find. A way-too-stiff, fuzzed-up nylon or a raggy poly will do just fine. If you can throw a good loop with those, a new rope will be a day off. Plus, it’ll save you ropes and money, by not wearing them all […]
Grandpa’s Elf
December 12, 2016
Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns
With hands all brown and gnarly, yet gentle as could be Grandpa lifted Bucky up to hold him on his knee. Pride was written ‘crost his face in every krinkly line, Lines that softened when he smiled, yet showed the wear of time. “Lets set here, sonny, where it’s warm, and gaze upon the […]
The Mare that Will
March 2, 2016
Richelle Barrett
I purchased a yearling filly last summer, and now that spring is nearly upon me, I find myself wondering what the hell I was thinking! Working full time off the ranch, raising young children, and helping my husband with our trucking business has all but left me with very little time on my hands. But […]
Why God made the Rancher
December 12, 2015
Richelle Barrett
I wrote this poem as part of a Christmas present for my parents. The idea came from a poem I read every day as a kid, called “Why God made Little Girls” – Author unknown. I owe my parents a great deal of gratitude for choosing to raise my brother and I in such a […]
That Old Cow
November 5, 2015
Jenn Zeller
That old cow you see right there Well she ain’t much to look at now. She’s skin and bones and walks with a limp. Her glory days have come and gone. But look beyond the bony frame. The toll from miles out on the range. Look past the aged and crippled gait That slowly traverses […]