Posts Tagged ‘cowboy gypsy’

Day Working Cowboy
September 11, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
One of the things I enjoy about this cowboy life is day working on other ranches. For this day working cowboy its about riding in new country and exploring what is over that next hill. It is food for my soul. It’s like therapy. It helps a person keep their mind in the middle. Getting […]

Junk In My Trunk
March 18, 2016
Tayler Teichert
In my Cowboy Gypsy post we discussed what it’s like to be a modern day wandering ranch hand. All of your belongings take up a lot of room in the process of moving. In this post we are going to discuss the “essential” belongings to take with you when going to day work somewhere where […]

Cowboy Gypsy
January 24, 2016
Tayler Teichert
Cowboy Gypsies aren’t supposed to have a truck load of belongings and a trailer full of 6 horses. It makes up and moving a lot less glamorous, fun, and stress free. I’m stuck between wanting wings and roots. The roots in me tell me to buy the bed and keep the old school green carpet […]