Posts Tagged ‘cowboy boots’

Cowboy Boot Style Evolution

October 10, 2021
Jolyn Young

I had to buy cowboy boots the other day, because it’s been a year or eight since I purchased a new pair. I wish I was kidding. A combination of more motherhood=less saddle time, owning a few pairs that I rotated through so none were too worn, and just not really stopping to consider the […]

Twelve Days of Cowgirl Christmas

December 16, 2015
Richelle Barrett

Christmas comes but once a year. Thankfully.  Christmas in July does not count, for those of you that get into that marketing scheme… Getting in the spirit of Christmas should be so easy. Especially when your living room is decorated to the hilt, and you  welcome an “Elf on the Shelf” into your home. My […]

The Fancy Boots

September 24, 2015
Richelle Barrett

  Since I really had nothing better to do for the eight hours I was chained to a phone in a ten by ten foot cubicle, I sat on my butt staring at the floor, admiring the fancy stitching on my boots. I began questioning what in the world possessed me to purchase such a flamboyant […]