Posts Tagged ‘cow camp’

Cowboyin’ With Cody and Kody
December 15, 2020
Tiffany Schwenke
I recently asked Kody Walter to tell us about her and her fiancé Cody Wheeler’s backstory and how they came to be cowboyin’ together all across the west. Cody Wheeler grew up in a sale barn that his grandpa had started in Osceola, MO. I, Kody Walter, grew up helping my dad, Pinky Walter, on […]

5 Things I Don’t Miss About Cow Camp
June 13, 2019
Jolyn Young
My family spent its formative years living on remote ranches located an average of 2 hours from town. While there are many aspects of cow camp life that I miss, here are a few lifestyle traits I was happy to leave behind when we moved to our new location just 8 miles from a small agricultural […]

5 Things I Miss About Cow Camp
May 30, 2019
Jolyn Young
We live 8 miles from the small agricultural town of Fallon, Nevada. It’s a big change from our standard living arrangement, which had been roughly 2 hours from town for the past 7 years. My most favorite place we lived was the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona. Here are […]

Summer Cow Camp 101: The Other Side
August 19, 2018
Jolyn Young
Each summer, many cowboys on ranches throughout the American West leave headquarters to live at cow camps for the season. Moving closer to the cattle on their summer range is more efficient for the ranch and employees. It saves a long, bumpy commute on a dirt road each day, and is easier on the equipment, […]

Summer Cow Camp 101: Working Alone
August 17, 2018
Jolyn Young
On many ranches in the American West, cowboys head up to a cow camp, usually located in a higher elevation than the ranch headquarters, for the summer. In Summer Cow Camp 101: Living Situation, I gave a guided tour of a typical summer cow camp. Once a cowboy is settled into his secluded home-away-from-civilization, he takes […]

Summer Cow Camp 101: Living Situation
August 6, 2018
Jolyn Young
Every summer, hundreds (okay, maybe dozens) of cowboys head to cow camp. They leave headquarters to follow the cattle high up into the mountains for a few months. The air is cooler, the feed is taller, and the water flows more abundantly at these higher elevations, allowing the ranch to most efficiently use its natural […]

20 Things To Do While Your Husband Is At Camp
August 5, 2015
Jolyn Young
Jim is away for a few days working at the neighbor’s again, which is pretty close to being at camp. The Monitor Valley ranch, owned by the same company as the RO, is more remote than a lot of camps. It is accessible only by many miles of dirt road, with no cell phone service […]

Cow Camp: A Wife’s Perspective
July 30, 2015
Jolyn Young
Cow camp living is so romantic that I went out and bought myself a Glock. I might have a different attitude if I was the one rolling my bed for a week or more of camping fun with horses and cows, but since I’m now the cowboy’s wife staying home alone in an empty house […]