Posts Tagged ‘collection’

Reaching Collection
November 27, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Remember my superficial collection as a teen? My horse was soft and his head was tucked in. He looked fancy even! But it wasn’t what I was after, though I didn’t know the difference then. Creating full body collection takes some practice and development of your horse’s willingness and muscle-build. Have you seen those horses […]

Understanding Collection
November 22, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Jenn Zeller, The South Dakota Cowgirl, explained collection really well in a three-part series in 2015. I would encourage you to read all three parts in addition to what I’m about to share with you. My hope is that they can provide you with a fresh and better understanding of what collection is and how […]

Acheiving Collection: A series, Part 3
May 4, 2015
Jenn Zeller
There are four ways to move your horse’s hips that I’ve learned from riding with Buck. The purpose of freeing your horse’s hips up are endless really, because once you’ve got them balanced through their faces, this is the continuation of teaching a horse to carry himself collected. You’ll want those hips freed up to […]