Posts Tagged ‘Cinch’

Back Cinch Blunders

July 13, 2019
Savanna Simmons

Plenty of reasons exist for the use of a back cinch, roping being the most prominent of reasons, to my mind, as well as starting a colt, to keep the saddle closer to the colt should he buck, and get him used to and comfortable with the feel as early as possible. An equal amount […]

Three Saddling Tricks

December 9, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Everyone does things a little different when it comes to horses, especially saddling. Here are a few tips for saddling that should apply to just about any type of saddle, horse, or person, and make things just a smidge smoother and more efficient. Trick 1: When you’re pulling your cinch tight, ask your horse to […]

Properly Storing Horse Gear: Part 1

June 5, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Storing gear the proper way can affect its lifespan and allow it to work for you for a long time. When using natural materials, like mohair cinches, wool pads, and horsehair mecates and get-downs, letting the fibers dry in the same shape as you would use them on your horse can extend the life and […]