Posts Tagged ‘cattle’
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Summer Cow Camp 101: The Other Side
August 19, 2018
Jolyn Young
Each summer, many cowboys on ranches throughout the American West leave headquarters to live at cow camps for the season. Moving closer to the cattle on their summer range is more efficient for the ranch and employees. It saves a long, bumpy commute on a dirt road each day, and is easier on the equipment, […]

Have You Ever…
December 3, 2017
Savanna Simmons
Have you spent a day a-horseback with the person you love the most? Have you heard him utter those blessed four words: “I’ll get the gate”? Have you heard the clicks, pops, and scuffs of 100, 250, 400 cattle walking in unison as they are gathered and moved? Have you seen a jackrabbit jump up […]

Shipping Calves
October 13, 2017
Tiffany Schwenke
Shipping calves is the accumulation of the last year’s work. Over the last year ranchers have experienced sleepless nights, stressful situations, sickness, death, the miracle of life, moments of triumphs, and close calls. They have felt every emotion possible. They have done research. They have spent time caring for, feeding, and doctoring these calves. They […]

Do Like Mama Does
November 10, 2016
Jolyn Young
In ranch country, there are a plethora of jokes likening mama people to mama cows. When I was pregnant, I usually just rolled my eyes and laughed obligingly at wisecracks of using calf pullers on a lady in labor (ouch!) or anything related to a “first-calf heifer.” Really, what pregnant lady doesn’t want to be […]

Life Between These Ears
November 2, 2016
Jenn Zeller
I ride Dino into the sunrise to ship calves at the neighbors. Since the First of October, there’s been only a few days that I’ve not had the view of cows between my horse’s ears. October has been the stuff cowgirl dreams are made of. Catching horses in the dark, and on the road by daylight, […]

Take Care Of Your Horse
July 27, 2016
Jolyn Young
When a cowboy catches a horse for the day, he catches a horse for ALL of the day. Depending on the work to be done, he and his equine partner might start their day at 4:30 AM and not get done until well into the afternoon. Sometimes, the cowboy crew will return to the ranch […]

Cow Behavior
July 23, 2016
Jolyn Young
Much has been written about the importance of studying horse behavior and knowing why a horse reacts a certain way in different situations. Horsemen pay attention to whether their mount’s ears are pointed forward or flattened backward. They know that a cocked hind leg can mean the animal is relaxing…or about to kick. Clinicians and […]

Off The Ropes
April 25, 2016
Jolyn Young
Roping horses “off the ropes” is a traditional way of catching horses for a cowboy crew. The practice isn’t commonplace these days, probably because running a large cavvy of ranch horses is becoming less common. The Spanish Ranch in northern Nevada maintains the tradition, however, because it is still the most practical method to use. […]

Dr. Cowboy
January 14, 2016
Jolyn Young
Keeping cattle healthy is a top job priority for a professional cowboy; therefore, so is knowing how to detect unhealthy cattle. RO Ranch cowboy Jim Young said he strives for “early detection,” meaning he notices and doctors calves at the very first sign of illness. It’s more difficult to pick up on those early signs, […]

Wintertime Ranch Reality
December 27, 2015
Jolyn Young
It’s winter time in the Northern Hemisphere, and the weather is cold and snowy in central Nevada. My husband and I live on the RO Ranch, and he is taking care of a bunch of yearlings that are wintering at headquarters. I’m glad that he’s sticking around fairly close to the house, because I’m more […]
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