Posts Tagged ‘bridle’

Understanding Collection

November 22, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Jenn Zeller, The South Dakota Cowgirl, explained collection really well in a three-part series in 2015. I would encourage you to read all three parts in addition to what I’m about to share with you. My hope is that they can provide you with a fresh and better understanding of what collection is and how […]

Properly Storing Horse Gear: Part 2

June 13, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Properly storing gear prolongs its lifespan and allows it to work for you for a long time. When using natural materials, like mohair cinches, wool pads, and horsehair mecates and get-downs, letting the fibers dry in the same shape as you would use them on your horse can extend the life and improve usability.   Related […]

Simply a Phase

March 8, 2017
Savanna Simmons

A fellow mother and horsewoman and I were discussing phases of motherhood the other day, and giggling about how we are supposed to “dread” when our kids reach a new phase, like crawling for instance, and instead enjoy each phase. We agreed that while our kids are getting into more things they shouldn’t and must […]

Wyo Wild Ride Ranch Rodeo Returning

February 7, 2017
Savanna Simmons

Join us in Gillette, Wyoming, June 23-25 for the third annual Wyo Wild Ride Ranch Rodeo & Horse Sale. The event this year will include a barrel racing jackpot, team roping jackpot, women’s steer stopping, and WSRRA bronc riding. And that’s just Friday! The Western State Ranch Rodeo Association-sanctioned open and women’s ranch rodeos will be […]

Bit by the Buckin’ Horse Bug: A Poem

October 26, 2016
Savanna Simmons

I was about two Sit’n on dad’s old Bridle hoss He shook real hard As a use’n cayuse Will do Some thing boiled Within my guts Churned my inner wheel I reached with tiny Chrome Spurs To survive the storm All I hit was rosettes Just below Dad’s horn I rared back Thrust an arm […]

Wyo Wild Ride Ranch Rodeo and Horse Sale Recap

August 22, 2016
Savanna Simmons

The Wyo Wild Ride Ranch Rodeo and Horse Sale in Gillette is a marathon weekend in June each year with a smattering of events and entertainment. This year, in addition to the Western States Ranch Rodeo Association sanctioned event, barrel racers and team ropers competed Friday in an open competition, with the top five competing during […]

Riding With The Greats: Ray Hunt

August 9, 2016
Savanna Simmons

Whenever I saddle up, I ride with some of the greats. I was blessed as a teenager and young adult to ride with some spectacular horsemen including Ray Hunt, Jack Brainard, Bryan Neubert, and more. I have gleaned a portfolio of particular styles or set of exercises from each that I flip back to whenever […]