Posts Tagged ‘bit’

Buckaroo Buys: KAW Rawhide and Steel

October 28, 2016
Savanna Simmons

Kevin Willey, of KAW Rawhide and Steel in Sheridan, Wyoming, is a decade-long friend of ours and probably the most talented artist friend of ours. He is a master of rawhide and steel, particularly damascus. He blazes his own trail in regard to how he operates and creates, and while his products are not at […]

Bit by the Buckin’ Horse Bug: A Poem

October 26, 2016
Savanna Simmons

I was about two Sit’n on dad’s old Bridle hoss He shook real hard As a use’n cayuse Will do Some thing boiled Within my guts Churned my inner wheel I reached with tiny Chrome Spurs To survive the storm All I hit was rosettes Just below Dad’s horn I rared back Thrust an arm […]