Posts Tagged ‘Barrel Racing’

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Making a Barrel Horse: From the Ground Up

January 16, 2020
Jenn Zeller

The foundation of any good horse begins on the ground, and it’s something I do with any future barrel horse. In this video, Luna (Shesa Quick Dasher) and I will show you what basic groundwork looks like. In the follow-up video I’ll show you what the ground work, looks like from the saddle on a […]

Shay Hough and Tex – Her Little Horse With A Big Heart

December 20, 2019
Tiffany Schwenke

There is something so special between a girl and her horse. It is a bond that is hard to put into words. In this article I hope to highlight how Shay Hough and her little horse named Tex have let their actions speak louder than their words. Shay is the daughter of a lifelong friend […]

KrossCheck Leverage Device For Equine Soundness

July 4, 2019
Jenn Zeller

This Spring, I learned about a new hoof testing device called the KrossCheck Leverage System. My good barrel horse came up crippled after our first run of the year. I was devastated. Radiographs taken in Texas, where I was at, showed fractured side bones, and low ringbone. That vet wanted to inject the coffin joint, […]

New Must-Watch Movie: Walk. Ride. Rodeo.

March 20, 2019
Jolyn Young

I just sat down on the couch with my kids and watched Netflix’s new original movie Walk. Ride. Rodeo. I have two immediate thoughts to share: 1) Wow, and 2) Forget popcorn – you’re going to need Kleenex for this one. All the Kleenex. The movie portrays the compelling story of rodeo contestant and inspirational speaker, Amberly […]

Winter Equine Trip To Arizona: What’s It Really Like?

February 11, 2019
Jolyn Young

The lure of warm weather, frost-free mornings and dozens of arenas within easy driving distance draws many northern-dwelling horsemen and -women to southern Arizona each winter. Lifelong barrel racer and icy Klamath Falls, Oregon resident Lyndsey Pearce and her fiancé, Lee Felder, recently loaded up four horses and headed south to partake in some of […]

Post Race Anxiety in Barrel Horses

February 10, 2018
Lynn Kohr

Does your horse exhibit post race anxiety? Is your horse nervous, anxious, fretful, elevated, irritated or not listening after your barrel run? Does he just want to get back to his buddies or is it something more?   The first thing to rule out when thinking of anxiety is physical pain. Is your horse lame […]

Organizing a Living Quarters Trailer

May 8, 2017
Jenn Zeller

I’ve been on the road a lot this Spring, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! We thought it would be fun to share with you how to organize your Living Quarters Trailer. Or at least I can share with you how I organize mine. I haven’t yet, sadly, figured out the easiest way to […]

A GoPro Goes to the Rodeo

August 19, 2016
Danielle Schlegel

Many people look forward to July 4th weekend: Riding, rodeos, grilling out, fireworks, spending time with family… This year, I had similar plans. I was headed to the rodeo, but not as a spectator. I had a GoPro, and it was my job to sweet talk as many Black Hills Roundup contestants into wearing it as […]

Barrel Racing Behind the Scenes

July 22, 2016
Jenn Zeller

Sometimes I haul my camera when barrel racing. Sometimes I get behind the scenes images. These are undoubtedly my favorite.  There are dogs, lots of gorgeous horses, lots of gals that love their horses, and friendships to be forged and grown. At the Prospector Challenge last weekend in Rapid City, SD, I broke out the […]

Yesterday is Gone

June 16, 2016
Jenn Zeller

“Ride the horse you throw a leg over today. Not the one you rode yesterday.” Those were the words of wisdom shared with me by my other half this past weekend as I went to get my horse ready for our last run. He’s right. Today is different. You’ve hopefully improved yourself since yesterday and […]

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