Posts Tagged ‘American west’
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Hunter/Jumper/Barrel Horse
February 15, 2025
Jan Swan Wood
Back in the olden days when I was young and single, I had a very high powered gelding that I was trying to make a barrel horse out of. Back then you had to just go get some runs on a horse, somewhere, as it was before there were anything like 4D barrel races and […]

Rodeo Season
June 19, 2020
Jolyn Young
So far, the rodeo scene for 2020 has been pretty quiet. Due to bans on large events prompted by the spread of the new coronavirus, both pro and ranch rodeos were canceled across the nation for most of the spring run. But, restrictions on large public gatherings are now lifting and rodeos are resuming for the […]

McFarland Productions, Marketing the Western Way of Life
December 6, 2019
Tiffany Schwenke
Natalie McFarland has taken marketing and supporting of our western way of life and presented it in beautiful ways time and time again. I never tire of watch videos and marketing portfolios that Natalie has created. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I’d say Natalie’s videos are worth more than a […]

Meet The Horsewoman and Artist, Olivia Constance Hunsperger
November 25, 2019
Tiffany Schwenke
Olivia Constance Hunsperger is a horsewomen and artist whom I’ve kept my eye on for awhile now. Her horses are fancy and she creates unique artistic visuals that I think are awesome! I recently asked Olivia to tell us more about herself and her journey as a horsewoman and artist. OCH: They say, I came […]

Winter on the Ranch
March 1, 2019
Jenn Zeller
Winter this year began as a meek, mild child and turned into a full-on rebellious teenager. It’s been unseasonably cold — the average this time of year should be about 30F, but instead it’s been about -5F. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been that cold, but it has sure felt like it. And you know it’s […]

Summer Cow Camp 101: The Other Side
August 19, 2018
Jolyn Young
Each summer, many cowboys on ranches throughout the American West leave headquarters to live at cow camps for the season. Moving closer to the cattle on their summer range is more efficient for the ranch and employees. It saves a long, bumpy commute on a dirt road each day, and is easier on the equipment, […]

Cowboying: A Timeless Tradition
July 20, 2018
Jolyn Young
Cowboying hasn’t changed all that much in 150 years or so. These black and white images taken at the Triangle N camp of the O RO Ranch in northern Arizona during the spring wagon in May of 2018 show the timeless nature of the occupation. Here, Creek necks a calf and waits for another member […]

Emily McCartney: Guest Instagram Photographer
January 29, 2018
Jessie Salter
This week’s Cavvy Savvy Instagram guest is Emily McCartney. Emily McCartney is the 6th generation of the R.A. Brown Ranch in Throckmorton, TX, but a first generation photographer- especially a “wandering western lifestyle photographer”. Emily began photographing at age 12, started her photography business at age 17, and after graduating from Texas Tech University in May […]

20 Things To Do While Waiting
May 22, 2017
Jolyn Young
When a person is out cowboying, he or she sometimes must wait. Sometimes you’re waiting to meet up with the rest of the crew to throw together everyone’s cattle from the day’s circle. Sometimes you’re waiting for a signal from another cowboy to move down the ridge. Sometimes you’re waiting for someone to come pick […]

I Miss The Mystery
April 25, 2017
Tayler Teichert
In all my years of dating, my sister told me to maintain a little bit of mystery. Don’t let your date know everything about you right off the bat – make them wonder. They will get bored if they feel like they aren’t learning anything new, so don’t tell all your secrets on the first […]
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