Posts Tagged ‘Agriculture’

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Children’s Ag School Resources

March 30, 2020
Savanna Simmons

I’ve witnessed a wonderful occurrence across Facebook and the internet as schools began closing their doors: online school resources for children. Coloring pages, learning apps that usually cost, virtual zoo and park tours and lives all became available to entertain and teach our children. I’ve been doing the suggested school work with my children, but my […]

What’s in Your Horse’s Feed?

December 30, 2016
Jenn Zeller

This week, we cover some important information regarding what’s in your horse’s feed. I was fortunate enough to meet Jessica Drexler*, with Triple Crown Feed, at a barrel race this past fall, and she was kind enough to answer a few questions not only about their feed, but about feeding horses in general. What is […]

Karen Leibee and Progressive Nutrition

December 26, 2016
Wendy Greenough

Karen Leibee is a veteran sales associate for Progressive Nutrition.  She is also a very close friend to our family.  Therefore, we often look to her for advice.   She has been a great resource for our horse and cattle nutrition needs.  Karen has several years of experience and volumes of successful testimonials.  Karen and her […]

Do Like Mama Does

November 10, 2016
Jolyn Young

In ranch country, there are a plethora of jokes likening mama people to mama cows. When I was pregnant, I usually just rolled my eyes and laughed obligingly at  wisecracks of using calf pullers on a lady in labor (ouch!) or anything related to a “first-calf heifer.” Really, what pregnant lady doesn’t want to be […]

Take Care Of Your Horse

July 27, 2016
Jolyn Young

When a cowboy catches a horse for the day, he catches a horse for ALL of the day. Depending on the work to be done, he and his equine partner might start their day at 4:30 AM and not get done until well into the afternoon. Sometimes, the cowboy crew will return to the ranch […]

Cow Behavior

July 23, 2016
Jolyn Young

Much has been written about the importance of studying horse behavior and knowing why a horse reacts a certain way in different situations. Horsemen pay attention to whether their mount’s ears are pointed forward or flattened backward. They know that a cocked hind leg can mean the animal is relaxing…or about to kick. Clinicians and […]

The Positive in Roping Gone Wrong

July 13, 2016
Jolyn Young

I started swinging my rope in the box just like my husband advised me, then nodded for the steer and squeezed my horse with my legs. Shorty had me in throwing position in just a few strides, so I opened my hand and…watched my loop whack the steer on his back. What the heck. Who […]

From the Branding Pen

July 11, 2016
Jenn Zeller

Horses and cattle swat at flies, their tails never resting. Cowboys reset their horses, to get the least bother on their cows during the sort. Some come. Some go. Stories are swapped. Memories made. Quiet hands, with good timing, make quiet horses. In life, you should never look back but in the sorting pen, it’s […]

Cavvy Behavior

June 29, 2016
Jolyn Young

I’m about to tell a “back when I was a kid…” story. Because I’m turning 30 later this summer, and that makes me old. Depending on where you are in your life’s journey, you may or may not agree with that statement. Either way, back when I was a kid, my mom took my older […]

The Kid’s Horse

April 30, 2016
Jolyn Young

“Jim, grab her off the horse. He’s going to spook. He doesn’t look like he’s okay with the situation. He looks nervous.” “I think you’re the one who’s nervous. Just lead her around, she’ll be fine.” I handed my husband the lead rope that was attached to the horse our three-year-old daughter was sitting atop, […]

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