Sell Horses on Cavvy Savvy

Posted in: Featured, Featured Horse for Sale

Horses for SaleCavvy Savvy isn’t just a great place to talk horses, we are now a great place to SELL horses!
If you have a performance horse, working horse, or prospect for sale, send an email to

Not only will your ad be showcased on Cavvy Savvy as a “Featured Horse” post, but it will also be promoted on our many social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+). Your ad will also appear online at and, as well as in print for 4 weeks in Tri-State Livestock News’ classifieds.

You will need to provide 3 photos and a video, so that we can properly promote your horse.


For more details and pricing please contact the TSLN Classifieds Team.


Posted in: Featured, Featured Horse for Sale

About Jessie Salter

Horses have been a part of my life since I can remember. Riding with my Dad as a youngster was what I lived for. There was nothing better than working cows, or racing my dad across an alfalfa field. It seems I never grew out...

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