KrossCheck Leverage Device For Equine Soundness

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care, Rodeo, Video

This Spring, I learned about a new hoof testing device called the KrossCheck Leverage System. My good barrel horse came up crippled after our first run of the year. I was devastated.

Radiographs taken in Texas, where I was at, showed fractured side bones, and low ringbone. That vet wanted to inject the coffin joint, and place my horse in a bar shoe.

The last horse I had injected got an infection in her stifle joint from that injection. We had to put her down after watching her fight that infection for many years. I may have shed a tear or two when the vet said, really, your only option is to inject him. Panic set in.

Avie was getting daily Equoixx and monthly Adequan shots. I was trying to help him be the best he could be.

We decided for the sake of continuity, we’d take Avie back home to South Dakota to our vet here, and let him manage his conditions. We really weren’t even sure he’d ever be sound again based on the diagnosis. Cue more devastation.

I’d sent the radiographs taken in Texas, to my vet. When we arrived a week later, he said, “yes, you’ve got fractured side bones. Yes, you’ve got low ringbone. But you know what else we have going on in here? Navicular.”

Holy Distal Limb issues, Batman!

Step One.

The first step was to inject the coffin joints. Then, we gave an osphos shot to slow down the navicular changes. Doc wanted to see him back in a week to see where we were soundness wise.

We were not sound. The right front was probably 99% and on the left front he was not that close. But that was as good as it was going to get. Doc told me to have him reset, and see how much that helped.

Step Two.

I’d been searching for a shoer, and when I found this little video series, I knew I had to find someone that could use a KrossCheck Leverage Device.

Below, you’ll learn all about the system.

After my new farrier went through the process of mapping the feet, Avie was the proud owner of some fancy new PLR shoes, made just for him. And you know what? When the process was finished, I had a sound horse.

Step 3.

Go run your horse!

I’m so grateful we’ve got the means to help my horse, the means to drive to Minnesota to the farrier, and a team at home behind me, supporting us.

If you have a lame horse, I’d highly recommend finding someone who can properly utilize the KrossCheck Leverage system.

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care, Rodeo, Video

About Jenn Zeller

Jenn Zeller is the creative mind and boss lady behind The South Dakota Cowgirl. She is an aspiring horsewoman, photographer, brilliant social media strategist and lover of all things western. After a brief career in the investment world to support her horse habit (and satisfy her...

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