How to Get on Your Horse, Safely

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care, Horse Training

How to get on your horse sounds simple enough, right? Well, there are actually a few things to keep in mind before and during mounting. Keeping your horse comfortable, and relaxed, plays a big part in being able to get on your horse safely. In order to do this, take a look at the basic list below:

  1. Did you thoroughly brush your horse? Making sure there are no new cuts, bites, and marks anywhere under where your saddle sits? Is your horse relaxed and happy? Is your saddle well situated with your saddle pad even and completely under your saddle (see previous article on where to place your saddle and pad) Cinch straight? Back cinch flat? Always take a moment to double check everything!!!
  2. Make sure your horse will stand still patiently. It is always a good idea to have a partner to ride with and one who you trust that will wait with you. Until you are very comfortable with getting on your horse by yourself, have your partner hold him and comfort him while you are taking your time to get on to get on your horse
  3. On the left, mid-side of your horse, with your saddle, pad and cinches re checked and snug, use a mounting block, a sturdy stool or something stable and safe. Stand on your stool, rub your horse all over making this a great place to be, right next to you, quiet and still!how to get on your horse
  4. With your left hand, hold your rein and a handful of mane to balance yourself. Place your left foot in the stirrup then lightly and gently swing, your right leg over your saddle seat, as you hold your horn with your right hand. I am always conscience of NOT pulling my saddle hard to the left, thinking of my horse and his to get on your horsehow to get on your horse

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care, Horse Training

About Lynn Kohr

I am a barrel and pole horse trainer, giving springtime barrel racing and pole bending clinics and workshops, competing in barrel racing and pole bending futurities while marketing our horses for sale. I am a Mom of 3: Sage, Cedar, and Stratton. And wife of...

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