How to Freeze Brand your Horse

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care

Freeze branding your horse is an alternative to the traditional hot brands. The actual branding irons for freeze brands are made of brass, keeping the cold from the liquid nitrogen, and transferring the cold better than traditional iron branding irons. We order our freeze branding irons from a company in ND. L & H Branding Irons

freeze branding your horseFreeze Branding Your Horse

Have a tank with liquid Nitrogen in it.freeze branding your horse

We use a Styrofoam cooler to pour the liquid Nitrogen in. That cooler is where we set the branding iron until it is cold enough, which is when the liquid Nitrogen stops boiling around it. freeze branding your horse

1. Clip and alcohol site (we use a spray bottle of alcohol). Freeze Branding Your Horse

2. Have your helper twitch your horse and have a timer ready for 28 seconds.

3. Place brand on the prepared site pushing hard enough that the brand touches and indents the hide. I say “ON!”, letting my helper know when to start her timer. 28 seconds is our magic number for time to leave our brand on.

freeze branding your horse

4. You’ll notice a small welt after removing the iron.

Freeze Branding Your Horse

There will be a slight welt after the iron comes off.

Freeze Branding Your Horse

After around one hour it should look like this.

5. Over time when the hair grows back, it will be white.Freeze Branding Your Horse unnamed-8

Posted in: Featured, Horse Care

About Lynn Kohr

I am a barrel and pole horse trainer, giving springtime barrel racing and pole bending clinics and workshops, competing in barrel racing and pole bending futurities while marketing our horses for sale. I am a Mom of 3: Sage, Cedar, and Stratton. And wife of...

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